Friday, May 30, 2008

Bodhisattva Statues

Vajrasattva meaning "Be Vajra" and its offshoot Sattvavajra meaning "Vajra of Being," Vajradhara means "Vajra Holder “and its offshoot or Bodhisattva Vajrapani the "Carrier of Vajra" also commonly known as the "Lord of mysteries, maintain close relations and are sometimes identified by the same entity. There is a strong ambiguity, dhara mean, for example, cover, support, while pani holds, which would reverse the usual translations data above ... The classical Tibetan translation clarifies the situation a bit: Vajrapani handles and pays tribute with welcoming hands, while Vajradhara preserves, and keep in mind.

Vajrapani is most often regarded as the form of Vajrasattva or Vajradhara. The patriarch Kagyupa Naropa is sometimes regarded as the incarnation of Vajrasattva. The master Indian Tilopa , one of the first links in the line of the Rosary Golden Kagyupa, reportedly received his instructions main Buddha Vajradhara, especially the lessons of Mahamudra.

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