Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Maitreya Buddha

Maitreya is a name that appears in the Buddhist religion referring to the forthcoming historic Buddha. According to the sacred Buddhist literature, the Bodhisattva Maitreya born on earth to bring about the complete enlightenment of a Buddha and teach the dharma. The Buddha Maitreya will be the successor Shakyamuni Buddha. Siddhartha Gautama announced Maitreya as the name of the next Buddha.
The name derives from the Sanskrit maitrī Maitreya meaning friendship caring or compassionate. Curiously, is the only Buddhist iconography of the Buddha which appears seated in a chair, but there are also various other representations that are famous in Mahayana Buddhism.

The best known is undoubtedly of Budai or Budai, a Chinese monk who is remembered as a manifestation of Maitreya.

The prophecy of Maitreya appears in all Buddhist traditions. According to Maitreyavyakarana of Mahayana Buddhism, Maitreya Buddha will come again in Indian subcontinent although the current continents and will be totally different. Born in a sophisticated world spiritually, and at that time to come, humans will have already covered their basic needs and there will be a state of complete world peace. However, that humanity will not remember Dharma, and therefore Maitreya appears to be shown again with clarity.

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